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[Emacspeak] Issue with eldoc documentation not being read

Recently I've been having some issues with eldoc information not being
read when using lsp.
If anyone else has had this issue heres the code I used to fix it:
(defun emacspeak-speak-eldoc-custom (docs interactive)
  "Speak eldoc."
  (cl-declare (special eldoc--doc-buffer-docs eldoc--doc-buffer))
  (when (and eldoc--doc-buffer (buffer-live-p eldoc--doc-buffer))
    (with-current-buffer eldoc--doc-buffer
      (unless (equal docs eldoc--doc-buffer-docs)
        (emacspeak-auditory-icon 'doc))
      (dtk-speak (buffer-string)) )))

(setq eldoc-display-functions '(eldoc-display-in-buffer emacspeak-speak-eldoc-custom ))

Note that this is not full proof and can read things when you might not
want to and it doesn't fix the actual problem but it should work good enough.
Best regards Isaac

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