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A couple of questions regarding emacspeak-46.


I am using ubuntu-16.04, and I recently installed emacspeak-46 through
voxin. I am encountering a couple of oddities that I should like to
correct, but I really do not know where to turn. For example, auditory
icons are enabled by default, and though I globally disable them with
`C-u C-e C-a', some cues persist, as when employing <BACKSPACE>,
`C-d', `M-d', <RET>, and `M-<' or `M->' to an empty line. How can I
resolve this?

In addition, emacspeak now seems to allow simultaneous feedback using
more than one voice. This should be welcome in theory, but I find that
I cannot interrupt one of the voices no matter what keystroke I use.
This is particularly prevalent when using emacs-w3m. A URL might be
very lengthy, and there seems to be no way of cutting off that voice
once <RET> has been pressed on a link.

Any assistance with these issues would be greatly appreciated. Thank
you so much.

Hwaen Ch'uqi

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