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Re: patch for ispell issues using header line

From: "Robert D. Crawford" <rdc1x@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: patch for ispell issues using header line

thats interesting. I got the same error when trying to use ispell on a mail
message within VM. I didn't try to track it down at the time, but will see
if I can reproduce it on the weekend. 

I suspect it may be a bug that occurs if the ispell interface attempts to
use a window which only has a single line rather than it being something
specific to the header line functionality. 


Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2007 15:39:58 -0500

> I have really been enjoying the header line that has recently shown
> itself at the top of my buffers.  Reading this out as I switch buffers
> has been much better than the old mode-line reading.  I have found one
> issue that seems to be related.
> If using the header line and running ispell-word, I get this error:
> ispell-overlay-window: Window height 2 too small (after splitting) 
> If I toggle the header line it solves the problem.
> This patch turns the header line off if it is on and restores it after
> ispell runs.

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