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Re: [Emacspeak] Discussion: Selection Oriented Editting

Some follow-up thoughts:

1. Emacs' builtin mechanism for doing such things is `transient-mode'.
2. Emacspeak presently disables transient-mode  -- by default it's on
   by default when Emacs starts.
3. So step 1 would be for you to turn on transient-mode and study its behavior.
4. Transient-mode assumes you're using the mouse, and most keyboard
   interaction will use the selection and deslect what was selected.
5. So anything you implement such as reviewing the selection will need
   to protect the selection from going away.

   Study transient-mode, then see how the other package you mentioned
   does it's work, that will teach the tools available to implement  any
   behavior we come up with.


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