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Re: [Emacspeak] TTS Server Implementation Questions

I understand. My question isn't whether it's possible though, or how difficult it would be, or the steps we'd have to take to implement it.
My question is more about whether the use cases we have today make it worth it to reconsider. All other questions we can apply the wisdom of the community to solve, if we were convinced that the effort would be worth it.
For me, the way I've got around this is to use the next/previous paragraph commands. The chunks are good small enough that I can "zoom in" if I want, and yet large enough that I don't have to constantly hit next-line.
Sent from my iPhone

> On 8 Apr 2024, at 11:13, Tim Cross <theophilusx@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> This is extremely unlikely to be implemented. It is non-trivial and
> would require a significant re-design of the whole interface and model
> of operation. It isn't as simple as just getting index information from
> the TTS servers which support it. That information has to then be fed
> backwards to Emacs through some mechanism which currently does not
> exist and would result in a far more complicated interface/model.
> As Raman said, the decision not to have this was not simply an oversight
> or due to lack of time. It was a conscious design decision. What your
> asking for isn't simply an enhancement, it is a complete redesign of the
> TTS interface model.
> "Parham Doustdar" (via emacspeak Mailing List) <emacspeak@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>> I agree. I'm not sure which TTS engines support it. Maybe, just like notification streams
>> are supported in some servers, we can implement this feature for engines that support it?
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On 8 Apr 2024, at 10:24, John Covici <emacspeak@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> I know this might be contraversial, but, indexing would be very useful
>>> to me,  sometimes I read long buffers and when I stop the reading, the
>>> cursor is still where I started, so no real  way to do this adequately
>>> -- I would not mind if it were just down to the line, rather than
>>> individual words, but it would make emacspeak lots nicer for me.
>>>> On Fri, 05 Apr 2024 15:39:15 -0400,
>>>> "T.V Raman" (via emacspeak Mailing List) wrote:
>>>> [1  <text/plain; us-ascii (7bit)>]
>>>> as a single call is that it ensures  atomicity i.e. all of the state
>>>> gets set at one shot from the perspective of the elisp layer, so you
>>>> hopefully never get TTS that has its state  partially set.
>>>> note that the other primary benefit of tts_sync_state
>>>> Robert Melton writes:
>>>>> On threading. It is all concurrent, lots of fun protecting of the state.
>>>>> On language and voice, I was thinking of them as a tree, language/voice,
>>>>> as this is how Windows and MacOS seem to provide them.
>>>>> ----
>>>>> Oh, one last thing. Should TTS Server implementations be returning a \n
>>>>> after command is complete, or is just returning nothing acceptable?
>>>>>> On Apr 5, 2024, at 14:01, T.V Raman <raman@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>> And do spend some time thinking of atomicity and multithreaded systems,
>>>>>> e.g. ask yourself the question "how many threads of execution are active
>>>>>> at any given time"; Hint: the answer isn't as simple as "just one
>>>>>> because my server doesn't use threads". > Raman--
>>>>>>> Thanks so much, that clarifies a bunch. A few questions on the
>>>>>>> language / voice support.
>>>>>>> Does the TTS server maintain an internal list and switch through
>>>>>>> it or does it send the list the lisp in a way I have missed?
>>>>>>> Would it be useful to have a similar feature for voices, being
>>>>>>> first you pick right language, then you pick preferred voice
>>>>>>> then maybe it is stored in a defcustom and sent next time as
>>>>>>> (set_lang lang:voice t)
>>>>>>>> On Apr 5, 2024, at 13:10, T.V Raman <raman@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>> If your TTS supports more than one language, the TTS API exposes these
>>>>>>>> as a list; these calls loop through the list (dectalk,espeak, outloud)
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Robert "robertmeta" Melton
>>>>>>> lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>> --
>>>>> Robert "robertmeta" Melton
>>>>> lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>> --
>>>> [2  <text/plain; UTF-8 (8bit)>]
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>>> Your life is like a penny.  You're going to lose it.  The question is:
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>>> you spend it?
>>>        John Covici wb2una
>>>        covici@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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