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Re: [Emacspeak] [tvraman/emacspeak] Adds Windows and SharpWin support (PR #119)

First attempt forwarding a github discussion to the list, lets see how 
well this works.  I sort of faked how I imagined an email correspondence 
on it would look below. 

- https://github.com/tvraman/emacspeak/pull/119



Alright, so for various reasons I am willing to go over if anyone cares, 
I ruled out cygwin and WSL.

The good news in this case is that we just need a very small number of 
very basic tools. Msys, Msys2 and GnuWin should all be enough to make 
it work.   

I am not completely clear on how option B would work, would that be a 
Makefile.windows that lives alongside the current Makefile? Or was the 
intention a Makefile under SharpWin that does all the required build 
steps for the entire project?

Will close the PR and we can continue discussion on list. 

>> On Mar 30, 2024, at 10:44, T. V. Raman <notifications@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Let's not touch so many files. And let's not have if/else switches everywhere, I wont sign up to maintaining this. To build on Windows: A. Require user to use cygwin or wsl, or alternatively B. Write a Windows specific Makefile. Linux tools like tar etc are expected -- I'm not interested in having Emacspeak work for a Windows user who wont install Linux-like tools
> Ticket Content: 
> This provides extremely basic support for SharpWin. Should have zero impact on anything that isn't Windows.
>     • Gates parts of the Makefile that can't work on windows (chmod, README using HEAD and tar)
>     • Ensures when on windows it uses cmd.exe and doesn't use sh if available
>     • Changes the quotes from ' to " for the build line, this does not matter on *nix, and makes it work in cmd.exe
>     • Adds the SharpWin server option
> More complete version will come before merging officially, but this is enough to let people test by using Emacspeak git and SharpWin git together.
Robert "robertmeta" Melton
lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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