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[Emacspeak] Packaging Emacspeak Best Practices?

I am currently building an emacspeak brew package, and just looking for 
advice from the community on how to set it up, best practices, etc. 

1. Do distros routinely create emacspeak launchers?
2. Do distros ever touch the users init.el or config directly?
3. Is adding a script like "emacspeak-update-config" or something similar to the 
    users config acceptable?
4. I am currently planning on installing a version of emacs I know works well with 
    emacspeaks (emacs-plus) with full UI for low-vision users.  Is it best to leave 
    the system emacs untouched and make another launcher or to update the 
    system emacs?

Any general recommendations?  I want to be able to just do "brew install emacspeak"
and have a fully working system, for my own laziness as much as anyone else. 

Robert "robertmeta" Melton

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