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[Emacspeak] List policy clarification - unsubscribed addresses and posts

Hi Folks,

We do not post messages from unsubscribed addresses. 

If you are subscribed to the list but inadvertently send a post from some other address, the list will treat the message as a post submission from an unsubscribed address.  It sends you a message saying the message is being held for moderator approval.

Unfortunately, the template does not allow us to change the subject line of the autoreply in a way that will not get overwritten. I agree that the subject implies your message may get posted as is. In practice that is not what happens.  

I have recently changed the body of that auto reply to state that if you are subscribed from another address you should re-submit your message from the subscribed address.   Hopefully that will help prevent any confusion the subject line introduces. 

Why this policy/rule?

A few reasons. 

1 - Faster posting. In my experience people want their postes to go out right away. Once you get the auto-reply you can repost from the correct address and your post will go out. This is faster than waiting for Tim or I to notice there is a possibly legitimate post waiting in with all the spam, checking to see if it may be a list member posting from an alternate address, checking to see if they have already resent it from their correct address, and only then approve it to be posted.

2 - Proliferation of your addresses on the web. If we were to post that message then the alternate address of yours is now up on the web in the archive.  Many of you have chosen  a particular address for the list and I don't like the idea that I might "out" some more private or work specific alternate address of yours just because you made a mistake when posting.

3 - Because there is a right answer. If you want or need to post from multiple addresses but only want to receive list mail from one of them, you can do that from the web interface.  This would involve subscribing to the list and creating a password for the new email address.  Once done you can customize delivery options for that address. If doing this is the right choice for you but you have problems with the web interface then please write to me off list and I am glad to help you get that set up.

Thanks for understanding and for being part of the emacspeak community, 


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