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[Emacspeak] Unusual/unexpected Emacspeak behaviour

Hi Raman,

I have noticed something which seems a little odd. I first noticed it a
while ago, but thought it was due to something spacemacs does and didn't
worry about it too much. However, today I was working in a very minimal
Emacs and Emacspeak setup and noticed the same behaviour. I'm not sure
if this is a bug or an intentional change in how Emacspeak works.

The issue is with how Emacspeak speaks the window when you scroll
down/up using either pgdown or pgUp or C-v/M-v. In the past, when you do
this, Emacspeak would read out the new contents of the window. Now it
seems to behave differently depending if your moving up (pgUp/M-v) or
moving down (pgDown/C-v).

If you scroll down using C-v, only the first few lines of the new window
are spoken and speech stops. If you then hit pgUp or M-v to scroll back
up, the whole of the new screen of data plus the contents of the next
screen of data are spoken. It seems like the point marking the beginning
and end of the window are not being updated when you scroll, but I've
not debugged it yet. I really just wanted to flag this and see first if
it is a known issue or not.

The configuration I'm using is

- Emacs 27.2 built from current git repository
- Current Emacspeak as of today
- Minimal emacs configuration - essentially loads Emacspeak, increases
  font size and installs a dark colour theme. 

No other configuration apart from turning on auto-fill-mode. I have
verified visual-line-mode is not turned on (truncate line default is
used). No additional packages. Observed the same behaviour in text mode
and org mode.

To reproduce -

- Start Emacs

- Load Emacspeak

- Open either an org file or text file which is large enough to require
  scrolling for multiple 'windows/screens' of data.

- Move cursor to the beginning of the buffer.

- Use C-v or pgDown to scroll down one screenful of data. Emacspeak will
  only speak the first 3 or 4 lines of the new screen of data.

- Use M-v or pgUp to scroll up to the top of the buffer. Emacspeak will
  speak both the displayed window of data and what would be displayed in
  the second window of data. i.e. speaks 2 'windows' of data rather than
  just the displayed one.

I will try adding some debug statements to check the values being passed
in and see if that adds any clarity about what is going on.


Tim Cross

|May 1995 - Last Year|Current Year|

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