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Questions about dtk-soft and other speech servers

Hello everyone,

* My setup
I use outloud as my primary speech server and have a DECtalk USB that I use with the dtk-exp server via the RS232 serial port, in DECTalk Express emulation mode.
eSpeak is my fallback TTS engine for English but it tends to be the server I choose for other languages.

* My objective 
I'd like to setup and maintain additional options for TTS servers in English. 

* The Software DECtalk
I have tried getting the old dtk-soft server working with the Fonix DECtalk runtime for Linux but haven't had any luck getting the speech sever running. 
The say app is working from the command line but the controls are limited.

When I run (dtk-select-server "dtk-soft") everything just goes quiet.
There are no errors in the message log or debugger feedback about missing speaker processes or other common speech server configuration errors.

I would love to be able to use dtk-soft over ssh as it is my favorite option.
Maybe with a small x86 single board computer. 

Is anyone using dtk-soft?

* Android servers?
I have a Pixel 2 and the ETI-Eloquence speech engine which I use with GoRead, KNFBReader and TalkBalk. Is there any way to use this for remote speech output?

* Cloud servers
What are these servers and how do they work? 
I assume they are remote "cloud" servers but how are they used or configured?
Do I need to authenticate somehow with a remote speech service to get them working.

* python and bash-utils
I saw some python scripts in the git master for Emacspeak but there isn't much in the way of documentation. Can I use any of these as a part of a server for dtk-exp or dtk-soft?
I use emsay with outload and find it easier to use than voxin-say.
I know I haven't taken full advantage of the bash-utils but I'm curious how others are using them.

* Closing questions
Are there any good tutorials or documentation for the above speech options?
What are some other speech server options?
What is your speech server configuration like?



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