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Magit Not Working, And My Temporary Solution

As you guys probably know, magit is not working again because they switched to using transient instead of magit-popup.
Transient uses something called lv to show something similar to a window with what you can press. However, just like read-char, as soon as you press any key, it just tells you that it's not a valid key.
In other words, it's not possible to review this window with the usual editing keys.
So, I just wrote a very basic workaround for now which at least reads the window to me so I know what options I have. I'm sure Raman or someone else has a better solution, but I thought this might help whoever is stuck right now.
You can just put this in your scratch buffer and evaluate it:
(advice-add #'transient--show :after #'read-lv-window)

(defun read-lv-window()
  (with-selected-window (lv-window)

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