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Re: Screenreader on SSH

Hello Stefan

I have never thought about the SSH thing.

How this library works is to use OpenMAX integration layer client to
render the speech PCM returned by espeak directly on the GPU of the
Raspberry Pi, so the "broken" ALSA driver (broken for espeak as it
stutters and causes a kernel oops).

So, the whole purpose is to use the hardware.  If you want to send the
audio (PCM) over SSH I don't quite know how you would do that.

Note also that if you use an external USB sound dongle and make it the
default device that will also bypass the broken tts.  That is how we
currently use a GUI because I have not yet written a speech-dispatcher
audio module which uses my code.

For changing the language, have a look at piespeakup.service and also
have a look at the command-line options for  espeakup, which I forked to
make piespeakup.

I guess you can pass the language on the command-line?

Hopefully when I get this Emacspeak server running I can also use my OMX
code to render Emacspeak speech on the GPU.


On 18/02/2017 07:14, Stefan Bion wrote:
> Hello Mike,
> I'm currently trying to setup a Raspi with a screenreader for a friend
> and came across your website raspberryvi.org and your wonderful software.
> Everything works fine so far - thanks for the great work!
> I have only one questions - no, two questions:
> 1. Is it possible to have the screenreader working not only at the
> console but also in SSH sessions?
> 2. Can the language of espeak be changed, so that it's possible to
> switch between English and for instance German?
> Best regards,
> Stefan

Michael A. Ray
Witley, Surrey, South-east UK

"You are much more likely to be treated by an EU migrant in a hospital
than to be standing behind one in the queue"

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