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Re: emacspeak - espeak - redhat enterprise lnux


Great that worked. i installed tcl-devel-8.4 and was able to then compile the linux-espeak server.

Now I have another problem:
when I type emacspeak -e, emacs starts, but all I get is a beep, and I am unable to unload emacs with c-x c-c. In fact I can't do anything in emacs at all. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Lukas Loehrer" <listaddr1@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Don Raikes" <don@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: <emacspeak@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 1:11 AM
Subject: Re: emacspeak - espeak - redhat enterprise lnux

Don Raikes writes ("Re: emacspeak - espeak - redhat enterprise lnux"):
Next I cd'd to emacspeak/servers/lnux-espeak and ran make.
Here is where I run into trouble. I got the following output from the make
tclespeak.cpp:40:17: error: tcl.h: No such file or directory

Here is the problem. Do you have the -devel package for tcl installed?
If so, do

locate tcl.h

Then you may have to adapt the Makefile to correctly reflect the
location of the tcl header files and libraries on your system.

Best regards, Lukas

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