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Re: Mail address completion selection problem

From: Lukas Loehrer <listaddr1@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Mail address completion selection problem
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2007 12:00:41 +0200

Just confirming I was able to repeat this problem using revision 5128M from
CVS. I will try again tomorrow after updating to the latest snapshot. 

I did notice I only see this problem using m-tab. If I just hit tab, and
then switch to the completions window and select one of the completions, it
works fine. With m-tab, you arre automatically switched to the completions
window and the selection of a completion throws the error Lukas reported.


> Could anyone using bbdb please try to reproduce the following problem.
> Enable debug-on-error. Start composing a mail message. Try using
> completion for entering the recipient address, i.e. enter for example
> "raman" and press M-Tab. The cursor is placed in a completion buffer
> whic allows you to choose one of raman's addresses. Hit enter on one
> of them. As a result, I get the backtrace pasted at the end of this
> message and the inserted completion is incorrect.
> The problem does not occur it there is only one possible completion,
> i.e. the completion buffer is not needed. Also, the problem does not
> seem to occur in other completion scenarios like when changeing
> directories in a *shell* buffer or when choosing a completion in
> "execute-extended-command".
> Best regards, Lukas
> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Attempt to delete minibuffer or sole ordinary window")
>   ad-Orig-delete-window(nil)
>   delete-window()
>   emacspeak-completion-pick-completion()
>   call-interactively(emacspeak-completion-pick-completion)
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